Fast, Efficient 360 Degree Spherical Video Editor I can’t believe I’m writing this, but finding the right software that balances functionality, speed, and usability can be a challenge in video editing, and with spherical video in particular. In fact, it has gotten so bad that I started using LLMs and Visual Studio Pro to write […]
Keram's Book Report
Notes & Reflections on Books n Stuff I Have Experienced
Category: Tutorials
GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, is an open-source image editing suite. And if you know me, you know I love the open source. The GIMP community has developed numerous plugins to extend its functionality, catering to a broad range of needs for digital artists and photographers. It’s important to download these plugins from official […]
All you want to do is scan that bill, invoice, w2 statement but now your stupid printer isn’t being recognized and you’re getting this red x and an error message that says wfs.exe is missing or “wfs.exe is not found.” The first thing you should try is this: install Windows Fax and Scan via Optional […]
There are various actions you can use: Track properties: Fixed item lanes (convert takes to lanes) Take: Explode takes on selected tracks to fixed lanes Take: Explode takes on selected tracks to fixed lanes and add comp areas from active takes “Be aware that although exploding takes to lanes should be reliable, the inverse action […]
I had a pretty mission-critical shoot this week after owning my Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch for only a couple of weeks, and these are the settings and workflow I used to ensure everything came out well. The setting may vary for you, but I hope it helps if you’re looking for some good starting points. […]
LUTs, or Look-Up Tables, are a powerful tool for enhancing the colors and tones of digital images and videos. These sets of data can be used to transform the colors of an image in a predetermined way, allowing photographers and videographers to achieve a desired visual look in post-production. The proliferation of LUTs on digital marketplaces has made them more accessible than ever. This article explores the basics of LUTs, including when and when not to use them. Tips for shooting with LUTs in mind are also included.
Thanks to TheBadwrench for solving what 5 HP virtual servants, printer diagnosers and other apps could not: The problem – you try to print color but the print keeps defaulting to monochrome. This is especially frustrating when you are on their pay as you go plan and burn through a print job that needed color […]